IPHC annual meeting is complete some new changes for 2017

The 93rd annual meeting of international pacific halibut commission took place in Victoria B.C. January 23-27, 2017.  The 2017 season will see some minor changes for guided anglers.  For the third year in a row, the commission has set the harvest limits above the recommended levels, known as the "blue line."  Scientists from the IPHC have stated Halibut stocks are leveling out largely because the ground fish trawlers drop in by-catch.

Homer is in Area 3A (central gulf of Alaska) raised the blue line to 10 million pounds up from 9.6 million pounds last year.  Recreational charter anglers will have 1.9 million pounds of this total shared Quota.  The Commission also adopted new rules presented by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council largely because area 3A was over the quota limits for 2016.