Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby Leader as of 6/12/17

Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby Leader as of 6/12/17

Garrett Neugebauer from Bend, OR  hooked into a 200.2 lbs halibut aboard the Big Easy with Captain Max Shifler and is now the current derby leader.  A big thank you to George and Ayjan from Buttwhackers who helped offload the fish and get it to the Derby office. Most importantly thank you to Inlet Charters Across Alaska Adventures for booking my boat and making the trip possible.

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IPHC annual meeting is complete some new changes for 2017

IPHC annual meeting is complete some new changes for 2017

2017 Charter Halibut Fishing Regulations for Homer, AK

2 Halibut Daily Limit with 1 Halibut equal to or less then 28 inches

4 Halibut annual limit if using a Charter or Guide

No Halibut Fishing on Wednesdays

No Halibut fishing on Tuesdays between the dates of July 18 - Aug 1


The only real change from 2016 is the loss of a few Tuesdays at the end of July and beginning of Aug.  

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